Realgymnasium Rämibühl

The Kantonsschule Rämibühl, a monumental concrete building designed
by Eduard Neuenschwander, was artistically designed by Karl Schmid.
With a rhythmically unfolding world of form and color, Karl Schmid succeeded
in lending the structural features vitality and breath.

Wall design:

Karl Schmid
Eduard Neuenschwander

Lascaux Studio Original





"Karl Schmid boldly broke completely new ground, by using colour in places where you wouldn't generally expect it: in the bicycle room, in the underground car park, in passageways, in the gym. ... This unexpected glow of colour in places where we are not used to it opens our eyes and makes our sight more curious. The brittle material of the concrete now gains beauty, even surfaces left in grey are enhanced. Concrete becomes an artistic experience, becomes precious and sensitive!" *

* Excerpts from the text ‘Beton wird zum Ereignis’ by Erika Billeter, published by Zürich Leu 1971
