Lascaux Restauro comprises reliable products for the conservation and restoration of paintings and papers.
Art Handling
MasterPak shipping boxes
and other products for secure art handling and storage.

Adhesives and Adhesive Wax
Acrylic adhesives, hot-seal adhesive 375, adhesive wax and more Lascaux products.

Starches & Celluloses
JunFunori®, TRI-Funori, Tylose, Zin Shofu.

Synthetic Resins & Dispersions
Medium for Consolidation, Acrylic resin P550, Paraloid B72, Medium for Retouching and other products.

Papers, Films & More
Lens tissue, blotting paper, silicone paper, Hollytex, polyamide foil, latex and polyurethane sheets.

A selection of cotton, linen, and polyester fabrics for art and conservation.

Technical Appliances
The Lascaux humidification chamber HC-5 and other equipment for the professional conservation and restoration.

Optivisor, Dahlia sprayer, locking pliers, Wallmaster sponge.