Lascaux Primers
Lascaux Gesso
Lascaux Gesso is a semi-absorbent, white acrylic primer/grounding yielding a semi-absorbent, pure white and matt surface with strong adhesion. Ideal for acrylic, oil, watercolour and tempera painting.
- semi-absorbent
- pure white and matt, with a good tooth
- quick-drying, elastic
- lightfast and age-resistant
- excellent adhesion
- highly concentrated and economical: 50-100 ml/m2
- water-dilutable, can be tinted with acrylic colours
- easily grindable
- on absorbent substrates such as canvas, textiles, paper, cardboard, fabrics, fair-faced
concrete, synthetics, and wood
- acrylic, oil, watercolour and tempera painting
- dilute with 10-20% water (see instructions on label)